Detailed Appropriation Listing for All Streams of Schools Expected— Development Support for MISCCs and Privately-run University Colleges

Detailed Appropriation Listing for All Streams of Schools Expected— Development Support for MISCCs and Privately-run University Colleges

Joint Statement Released by Dong Zong and Jiao Zong

February 25, 2023

Detailed Appropriation Listing for All Streams of Schools Expected—

Development Support for MISCCs and Privately-run University Colleges


In Budget 2023 submitted by the Prime Minister cum Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim, appropriation is front-listed, showing that the government takes education as priority. Yet in Budget 2023, to our greatest regret, no detailed listing of appropriation for all streams of schools is noted, let alone the mention of national-type high schools, Catholic schools, MICSSs (Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary Schools) and the three private-run university colleges.


In this Budget, the Ministry of Education received the most appropriation (RM55.2 billion) though there is a decrease of RM400 million (RM55.6 billion) compared to the announcement made last October. Still, there is an increase of RM2.6 billion (RM52.6 billion). What needs to be noted here being, the maintenance and promotion fund for all streams of schools in this Budget decreases to RM900 million compared to the previous 1.1 billion proposed by the former government. However, whether electric and water as well as sewage appropriation will be released is yet to be clarified. In this respect, we anticipate the government to refer to Budget 2019 and 2020 in which the appropriation for national primary, vernacular Chinese and Tamil primary, national-type high schools, Catholic schools, full boarding schools, Mara junior science colleges, private religion schools, MICSSs and privately-run university colleges (New Era, Southern and Han Chiang University College of Communication) were listed in detail.


Disappointingly in Budget 2023, neither Chinese nor Tamil primary schools are among the seven new schools to be constructed. We reckon, vernacular Chinese and Tamil primary school are part of the national education system. Thus, be it appropriation, land grant, additional school construction or relocation, the government of the day is obliged to attend to it systematically responsive to demographic and educational needs. Therefore, in Budget 2023, the above-mentioned need to be incorporated so that fund and land needed for school construction will be addressed to ensure earlier completion and use.


We opine, the Unity Government led by the Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim should not follow the old way of Barisan Nasional and National Alliance Party. In the face of appropriation towards all streams of schools and privately-run non-profited educational institutions, equal treatment is expected. Further, in the upcoming Budget debate, we wish to see how appropriation will be distributed in transparency, including publicised details on maintenance and promotion appropriation and school construction project, etc.

UEC Should Be Rationally Reviewed from Academic Aspect Appropriation for Non-Profit Educational Institutions Urged

Statement Released by Dong Zong

February 18, 2023

UEC Should Be Rationally Reviewed from Academic Aspect

Appropriation for Non-Profit Educational Institutions Urged


The recent reply from the Minister of Education Fadhlina Sidek in the parliament revealed the recognition of the UEC is not a priority. She further informed appropriation was released merely to government schools and government-funded schools and systemised appropriation for independent Chinese secondary schools is not obliged. Dong Zong took it as an ignorance of the contributions of non-profit educational institutions and thinks it unfair towards MICSS education and the UEC issue since it is not considered as it stands.

To begin with, Dong Zong deems it important to remind the central government that in 2019, appropriation for MICSSs was historically included in its yearly Budget and it was the first time ever civilian effort in educational matter recognised. Since then, appropriation for MICSSs was released on yearly basis no matter which party was in power. Does the pronouncement made by the Minister of Education suggest no appropriation to be released to non-profit educational institutions such as MICSS, private religion schools and the like in the to-be-submitted Budget 2023?

We understand that in 2018, a special UEC task force (PPDUEC) formed by the MOE had spent years collecting materials and held discussion several times with educationists, including NGOs to finally formulate a report. Since immense resource had been consumed, we believe it rational and responsible only when the said report published and used as the basis for further assessment.

Likewise, STPM, IB and A Level, the UEC is an academic evaluation, thus the recognition of the UEC is an academic and educational issue. All social strata need to confine the matter to facts and study it rationally and academic issue should not be politicised and racialized.

Ever since the establishment of independent Chinese secondary schools, its major goal is to shape and mould students’ learning and competencies in alignment with the world education trend. MICSS curriculum, including the History subject, was designed observing the national education curriculum and assessment standard issued by the MOE as reference. In this vein, Bahasa Melayu the national language is accorded a compulsory subject which in actual fact is congruent with the Constitution, National Principles and multi-stream educational inherence.

As a last note, we hope the government in power will include all streams of non-profit educational institutions, including MICSS—which over the years had produced countless polymaths for the country while shouldering educational expenses—should be recognised, not to mention listing them in systemised appropriation, providing half-priced electricity and water, tax free or exemption, waiver of Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF), etc to relieve their economic burden in a bid to encourage continuous contributions.

New Year Speech by the Chairman of Dong Zong Mr Tan Tai Kim

New Year Speech by the Chairman of Dong Zong Mr Tan Tai Kim

New Year Speech by the Chairman of Dong Zong Mr Tan Tai Kim

January 1, 2023


Today we usher in a new year which bodes well for a fresh start for everything. Dong Zong wishes you a Happy New Year!


Though the ravage of COVID-19 moderates, pandemic prevention, economics and social functioning gradually return to normality, it is imperative that we all stay vigilant and avoid negligence.


The 15th General Election has ended soon after the formation of the new cabinet and our prime minister Anwar Ibrahim shoulders the responsibility and obligation to boost economics and uphold public welfare under watchful eyes. In what way the new government will reform the existing institution, reinvent the inefficient system to equally distribute resources will put it to test and challenge its determination. Apart from the welfare-generating ruling party, the society also demands competent opposition parties where rational middle course is adapted and narrow-mindedness discarded for benign competition in bid to assure the smooth transformation of democracy.


Notwithstanding being an old nation, the mission of Zhou dynasty in Chinese ancient history was to reform and it fits in our current situation. To begin with, other correct matters such as anti-corruption, judicial reforms, the revamp of accountability unit, the restoration of social relationship as well as the ending of ethnic contradictions are what the new government can address. We are convinced, as far as the new government could stay beyond partisan interests and take public interest as priority with an adherence of openness and diversity-aware compassion, its consequent success would be assured. In the meantime, non-governmental organisations at large also need to supervise the government as well as the ruling and opposition parties to ensure the consummation of partisan politics and the lay-down of perpetual democratic foundation.


Ever since the new government takes office, the right-winged populist power has excessively rendered and hyped the UEC issue with the agenda to generate confrontation, attack the credibility of the new government and disrupt public order. The acceptance of the UEC is an academic and educational issue, thus only rational dialogue can clarify the ambiguity to its final recognition. The ultimate goal of dialogue is to tackle a problem by letting go of ideology and emotional narratives besides elucidating the ambiguity within, only not venting willfully one’s dogmatic position and emotion. We understand the apprehension of the Malay community and are willing to initiate dialogue with all social strata concerned with the greatest and most sincere endeavour. Our aim is to enhance understanding and build up mutual trust, besides garnering consensus in bid to mull over the said educational issues rationally and pragmatically.


Before the new government resubmits the Budget, Dong Zong reckons it wise the inadequacy of Budget 2023 be reviewed appropriately; that said, the appropriation for all streams of schools needs to be published in detail, let alone that for MICSSs and the three privately funded non-profit university colleges. We expect the government to treat all streams of schools fairly and distribute education resources reasonably to show its recognition for their contribution in national education. Moreover, we also hope that the country’s multi-social and diverse inherence will be taken as fortes.


The multi-purpose education complex initiated by Dong Zong serves as a Chinese education base to promote Chinese education and cultural exchanges. Attributed to the raise of building cost and commodity price, the total sum to be raised has since been marked up to RM420 million. As of the 1st of December 2022, RM308.1 million had been raised. As such, the continuous support in monetary term from all walks of life is sincerely expected.


The holding of UEC had been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic for more than two years; 2022 even saw a date clash with the 15th General Election though it was finally held after several reschedules. Dong Zong takes this opportunity to acknowledge the compliant support of all social strata and stakeholders. We wish that after the release of the UEC results, all UEC holders—either going for further studies or taking up a job—will fare smoothly.


Dong Zong anticipates all in the country to advance abreast in concerted effort, taking economic recovery and the alleviation of living cost as priorities. Hopefully, the dire straits can be ridded of and this new year begins with a bright slate.

Rational Dialogue for Educational Issues—Dong Zong Seconds the New Government’s Economic Priority Policy  

Rational Dialogue for Educational Issues—Dong Zong Seconds the New Government’s Economic Priority Policy

Statement Released by Dong Zong

November 29, 2022

Rational Dialogue for Educational Issues—Dong Zong Seconds the New Government’s Economic Priority Policy


The new coalition government has set sail soon after the 15th Election, while the nation is expecting the governance blueprint to be forwarded by our Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. At the backdrop—to our regret—excessive rendering and hype of the UEC issue aiming to stir up social conflict and disputes is still ongoing. Compliantly, Dong Zong observes the decree of the Supreme Head of Malaysia in support of the new government’s economic priority policy to upgrade people’s livelihood and foster social harmony. We understand the apprehension of the Malay community and are willing to initiate dialogue with all social strata concerned with the greatest and most sincere endeavour. Our aim is to enhance understanding and build up mutual trust, besides garnering consensus in bid to mull over the said educational issues rationally and pragmatically.


The joint conference held by Dong Zong recently was one of its annual meetings; it is where the views and opinions on education from its member states are collected, for the purpose of data and evidence-generated proposal to be submitted to the MOE. In this recent conference, eleven proposals were raised: they comprise prosperity-related education system as well as the educational rights of diverse ethnic groups and all social strata, apart from the establishment of educational supervision committee to bridge urban and rural gap and multi-cultural education policy formulation to fairly treat all streams of schools. The proposals mentioned reflect the consistent position of Dong Zong, that is, to always keep a watchful eye on diversity equality to assure mother tongue education right and safeguard multiculture. We strongly believe, the country can develop competitiveness merely when education system deviation redressed and educational opportunity and resource adequately distributed.


The recognition and acceptance of the UEC is an academic and educational issue; as such, we entreat it to be appraised rationally. On this matter, we urge all walks of life not to treat the UEC issue as a political capital by rendering and hyping it excessively with agenda. Dong Zong devotes on producing talents and polymaths for the country hence the UEC issue needs to be assessed from both the academic and professional aspects. The entire curriculum of the Independent Chinese Secondary School, History subject inclusive, is designed and formulated in compliance with the national curriculum; meaning, it adheres strictly to the national curriculum standards issued by the MOE in the formulation process. As it stands, Bahasa Melayu the national language is a required subject which accords with the Constitution, National Principles and the diversity inherence of the country. The core education goal of the MICSS is to mould and nurture its students’ learning and competencies which goes symmetrically with the international education trend. The UEC is an academic evaluation, like STPM examination, International Baccalaureate and ‘A’ Level in essence, only not a political benchmark; politicians should not overinterpret it with ulterior motives. Modestly, we are willing to listen to any comments for improvement on the MICSS curriculum.


Immediately after the 15th Election, there is an imminent need for trade and profession recovery as our country cannot afford dissipation of sorts. In the face of challenges and difficulties, Dong Zong sides the newly established government’s position—economic priority—for the interests of the public which radically demands good and incorrupt governance to resume judicial independence and repeal draconian laws, let alone addressing people’s livelihood, generating economic development, facilitating rational dialogue, building up unity and solidarity in order to live up to its mandate.