11 best pieces were selected in Dong Zong’s “Embrace Diversity” Essay writing competition
11 best pieces were selected in Dong Zong’s “Embrace Diversity” Essay writing competition
Activity Announcement
18 September 2020
11 best pieces were selected in Dong Zong’s “Embrace Diversity” Essay writing competition
We are glad to announce that 11 best pieces of articles have been chosen in the “Embrace Diversity” essay writing competition organised by Dong Zong. Each of them will be awarded with a certification and cash reward.
In the era of globalisation, the diversity of Malaysia is further enriched by influx of migrant communities, such as migrant workers, refugees and immigrants. We are different yet that makes Malaysia unique. The senses of respect, appreciation, tolerance and inclusiveness are essential in maintaining our multicultural society.
Under this circumstance, Dong Zong has initiated an essay writing competition with the aim of tackling racism, stigma, prejudice and xenophobia in the country. Through the writing and sharing, we hope to recall the goodness of people and the society, in order to build a solidary and harmonious nation.
The competition was launched from August till mid of September 2020 and received overwhelmed responses from the public. After a thorough selection process, the organiser has selected at least three best pieces from each languages categories. The winners will received an event certificate and cash reward. Nevertheless, all the eligible participants will be given an event certificate and book voucher as a token of appreciation. The winners list as below:
Bahasa Malayu: (3 pieces selected)
- Jane Ho Mei Ying, pelajar, “Semarakkan Hubungan Antara Kaum”
- Muhammad Faiz Ikhwan bin Hasbulah, pelajar, “Perkauman membinasakan perpaduan”
- Joy Lee Xing Yee, pelajar, “Bertuah, Bersyukur”
English: (3 pieces selected)
- Joseph Hamzah Anwar, Student, “Enlightened by Diversity”
- Elijah Wong Jing Er, Student, “Malaysia – The Diverse Football Team”
- Joycelyn Ong Shee Hui, Education consultant, “Precious Friendship Made in Sarawak”
Mandarin: (5 pieces selected)
- Tai Yu Jing, Guru, “Special story while teaching”
- Sim Ming Choo, Guru, “The beauty of the Sarawak”
- Lee Jia Hui @Li JiaHuij, Pelajar, “Year of Eight”
- Chee Jeng Ying, Pelajar, “Embrace diversity”
- Chu Jun Cheng, Pelajar, “Embrace diversity”
All the best pieces have been published in Malaysiakini website (https://www.malaysiakini.com) and more information will update through Dong Zong website(https://www.dongzong.my)or Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Cultural Facebook(https://www.facebook.com/duzhongsci). Further inquiries, please contact Organisation Affair Department, Dong Zong (03-87362337, Yap Heng Lung (301), Cheng Guan Hui (299).
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Organisation Affair Department, Dong Zong